Hastings Hotels
Check in
?Check out
1 night
*When your travel dates are flexible, we will only show an estimate of the nightly rate for 1 room
?Guests per room
Age of child at check out
Property name
Change area to search hotels* Please reset your requirements at the linked page
- Yellowknife
- Whistler
- Calgary
- Quebec
- Toronto
- Banff
- Victoria
- Montreal
- Athabasca
- Niagara Falls
- Assiniboia
- Outlook
- Agassiz
- Iona
- Aylesford
- Isle Pierre
- Uxbridge
- Isaacs Harbour
- Aylmer
Vancouver: search hotels near major stations & airports* Please reset your requirements at the linked page
- Vancouver Harbour Water Airport
- Yaletown-Roundhouse Station
- Burrard Station
- Vancouver City Centre Station
- Marine Drive Station
- Langara-49th Avenue Station
- Oakridge-41st Avenue Station
- Granville Station
- Olympic Village Station
- King Edward Station
- Broadway - City Hall Station
- Stadium-Chinatown Station
- Main Street-Science World Station
- Rocky Mountaineer Vancouver Station
- VCC-Clark Station
- Commercial-Broadway Station
- Nanaimo Station
- Renfrew Station
- Rupert Station
- Waterfront Station
Vancouver: search hotels near major tourist attractions* Please reset your requirements at the linked page
- Stanley Park
- Queen Elizabeth Park
- Yaletown
- Granville Island
- Van Dusen Botanical Garden
- Nat Bailey Stadium
- The University of British Columbia
- Nitobe Memorial Garden
- UBC Museum of Anthropology
- Telus World of Science
- B C Place
- Vancouver Maritime Museum
- Rogers Arena (GM Place)
- Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden
- Vancouver Central Public Library
- Tourism Vancouver Plaza
- Cauldron
- Harbour Cruises
- Vancouver Downtown
- the Vancouver Harbour Flight Centre