Carrer Gran de Gracia Hotels
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1 night
*When your travel dates are flexible, we will only show an estimate of the nightly rate for 1 room
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Change area to search hotels* Please reset your requirements at the linked page
- Ibiza
- Granada
- Cordoba
- San Sebastian
- Seville
- Toledo
- Palma de Mallorca
- Madrid
- Malaga
- Aiguamurcia
- Ayerbe
- Ayegui
- Aisa
- Aiguaviva
- Isla de Arosa
- Aizarnazabal
- Ahigal
- Aiguafreda
- Ahigal de los Aceiteros
Barcelona: search hotels near major stations & airports* Please reset your requirements at the linked page
- Catalunya Station
- Diagonal Station
- Drassanes Station
- Espanya Station
- Fontana Station
- Gràcia Station
- La Pau Station
- La Sagrera Station
- Maragall Station
- Passeig de Gràcia Station
- Plaça de Sants Station
- Poble Sec Station
- Sagrada Família Station
- Sants Estació Station
- Tarragona Station
- Trinitat Nova Station
- Universitat Station
- Urquinaona Station
- Vall d'Hebron Station
- Verdaguer Station
Barcelona: search hotels near major tourist attractions* Please reset your requirements at the linked page
- Casa Batllo
- Camp Nou
- Sagrada Familia
- Catedral de Barcelona
- Casa Mila
- Sant Josep market
- Palace of Catalan Music
- Guell Palace
- Tibidabo Amusement Park
- Museu d historia de la ciutat
- Hospital de Sant Pau
- Gothic Quarter
- Passeig de Gracia
- Museu d'Historia de Catalunya
- Temple del Sagrat Cor
- Pedralbes Monastery
- Barcelona Football Club Museum
- El Tablao de Carmen
- Dali Real Ciculo Artistico Barcelona
- Pedralbes Museum (Museums at Disseny Hub Barcelona)