Rione XVIII Castro Pretorio Hotels
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1 night
*When your travel dates are flexible, we will only show an estimate of the nightly rate for 1 room
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Rome: search hotels near major stations & airports* Please reset your requirements at the linked page
- Cipro Station
- Vatican City Station
- Roma San Pietro Station
- Ottaviano Station
- Lepanto Station
- Spagna Station
- Circo Massimo Station
- Barberini Station
- Colosseo Station
- Cavour Station
- Repubblica Station
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- Roma Termini Station
- Vittorio Emanuele Station
- Castro Pretorio Station
- Manzoni Station
- San Giovanni Station
- Policlinico Station
- Flaminio Station
Rome: search hotels near major tourist attractions* Please reset your requirements at the linked page
- Colosseum
- Trastevere
- Ostia Antica
- Capitoline Museums
- Scala Santa
- Santa Prassede
- Galleria Doria Pamphilj
- Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
- Church of St lgnatius Loyola
- Basilica di San Paolo Fuori le Mura
- Le Domus Romane di Palazzo Valentini
- Galleria Colonna
- Villa Farnesina
- Chiesa San Clemente
- Temple of Hercules Victor
- Gianicolo
- Museo Nazionale Romano
- Keats - Shelly Memorial House
- Domus Aurea
- Parco Savello